
Scientific manager:

  • Luisa Maria Zanoncelli (November 2009-October 2010)
  • Annarita Colturato (November 2010-June 2014)

Research group members:

  • Paolo Gallarati
  • Franco Prono

Collaborators to the census: Filippo Arri, Chiara Guazzo, Giancarlo Marchisio, Diego Ponzo, Serena Sabia, Paola Glenda Salvadeo, Alberto Viarengo, Stefania Vitale

Collaborators to the cataloguing: Silvia Caratti, Flavia Ingrosso

Postdoc fellowships: Alessandro Cecchi, Ilario Meandri, Marco Targa


Such wide and complex research projects always owe much to the help and cooperation of others.

Therefore, we wish to thank the management and staff at the institutions where the census and cataloguing have taken place, and at the many institutions where the survey did not find any film music.

Our special gratitude for the support given to us, also when digitalising the scores, goes to the management and staff of the Archivio and Bibliomediateca “Mario Gromo” of the Museo Nazionale del Cinema, the Biblioteca Civica Musicale “Andrea Della Corte”, the Biblioteca del Conservatorio “Giuseppe Verdi”, the Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria and the Biblioteca Reale in Turin, the Biblioteca del Conservatorio “Guido Cantelli” in Novara, the Biblioteca della Scuola Comunale di Musica “Francesco Antonio Vallotti” in Vercelli, the Biblioteca privata Bruno Raiteri in Verolengo (TO).

Moreover, we wish to thank, for their cooperation on many levels, the management and staff of the Istituto per i Beni Musicali in Piemonte, Marco Allolio, Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi, Bianca and Judica Lavagnino, Marinella Pensotti.