Music for Industrial Documentaries

The Music for the Documentaries Produced by the Main Industrial Brands in Piedmont

The Music for the Documentaries Produced by the Main Industrial Brands in Piedmont

Although they are not very numerous because of the peculiar features of industrial films and of a lacking preservation culture for this kind of products, we also found some scores commissioned by the most prominent companies in Piedmont. They include the musical drafts for a film on the building of the FIAT Mirafiori in Turin by Giorgio Federico Ghedini (screenplay by Mario Gromo; Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica “Giuseppe Verdi” in Turin), the manuscript score of Angelo Francesco Lavagnino’music for a «Documentario Fiat» (Gavi, Archivio privato Lavagnino) different from the one composed for the film F4CB. Acciaio su misura directed by Victor De Sanctis and produced by Cinefiat in 1966, the Divertimento for Olivetti Machines, Chorus and Percussion by Tristram Cary for 1973 film titled Divertimento for Olivetti Machines by Bob Gill and Tristram Cary (Archivio Storico Olivetti in Ivrea).

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