The Collection of Conductor Mario Ponzio

Manuscript and printed music belonging to the orchestra conductor Mario Ponzio (Vercelli, 1884 – Terruggia, 1953) uncovered after the census and cataloguing of Cabiria Project.

After the census and cataloguing of Cabiria Project, in the town hall of Terruggia (Alessandria) manuscript and printed music belonging to the orchestra conductor Mario Ponzio (Vercelli, 1884 – Terruggia, 1953), were uncovered, within the project of census and cataloguing of music heritage in Piedmont promoted by the Regione Piemonte and Istituto per i Beni Musicali in Piemonte, and are now gathered in a collection named after him.

We must also single out around twenty film music compositions mostly published in the collections

  • Biblioteca Cinema (Milano, Ricordi)
  • Collection Ciné-concert (Cannes, Francis Moulin)
  • Collezione Cinema (Sanremo, Beltramo)
  • Commento Films Florentia (Firenze, Editrice Musicale Florentia)
  • Repertorio Cine-Dramma (Torino, Edizioni Musicali Impero)
  • Repertorio Sincronis-Films (Casale Monferrato, Casa Editrice Italiana Piemonte)
  • Serie Hits Jazz (Milano, Curci)
  • Serie originale americana (Milano, Curci).

Moreover, some printed instrumental pieces and songs taken from the soundtracks of films in the second half of the 20th century, belonging to pianist Flavio Prato, have been found in the archive of the Società Filarmonica Margherita in Carpeneto (Alessandria).

For information: Istituto per i Beni Musicali in Piemonte (