Lavagnino è con il regista Henry Hathaway in una pausa della registrazione della colonna sonora del film Legend of the Lost (Timbuctu, 1957).

The Archivio privato Angelo Francesco Lavagnino

Angelo Francesco Lavagnino (1909-1987) was author to over two hundred and fifty film scores for such directors as Monicelli, Steno, Soldati, Hathaway, Welles.

Angelo Francesco Lavagnino (1909-1987) was author to over two hundred and fifty film scores for such directors as Monicelli, Steno, Soldati, Hathaway, Welles.

The composer spent the last years of his life in Gavi (Alessandria) and here, after giving in bailment most of his film music to the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome, at the houses of his daughters Bianca and Judica, manuscript and printed music, magnetic tapes, correspondences, press releases have remained.

Lavagnino is here with director Henry Hathaway on a break during recording of the soundtrack of film Legend of the Lost (Timbuctu, 1957).
Lavagnino is here with director Henry Hathaway on a break during recording of the soundtrack of film Legend of the Lost (Timbuctu, 1957).

The archive is currently being reorganised; we cannot rule out that in the future all the items might be gathered in one place.

Bibliography: Paola Glenda Salvadeo, Comporre sulla sabbia: ritratto di Angelo Francesco Lavagnino attraverso i documenti, MA diss., Università degli Studi di Torino, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Corso di studio specialistico in Storia e critica delle culture e dei beni musicali, AY 2010-11 (published in Rome by the author in 2012); Ead., New Sources for Studying the Life and Work of Angelo Francesco Lavagnino, in Film Music: Practices, Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives. Studies around Cabiria Research Project, edited by Annarita Colturato, Torino, Kaplan, 2014, pp. 265-294.