For the cataloguing, finished in July 2012, Cabiria Project benefited from the technical-scientific collaboration of the Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici del Piemonte (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali), with whom on 15th January 2010 the Universiy di Turin (former Dipartimento di Discipline Artistiche, Musicali e dello Spettacolo) signed an agreement. Following this agreement the Direzione Regionale allowed the free use of Cadmus, a software for cataloguing scores able to provide a detailed description of items and several authority headings (names, music forms, scoring, notation).
The records then merged, together with digitised items, into a web platform specially designed by Alicubi s.r.l. using open-source tools.
The catalogue, carried out by Silvia Caratti and Flavia Ingrosso applying most recent national and international standards and rules, includes 3,916 records, between series and periodicals (100), monographs (2,119), analytics (1,658), multi-part monographic publications’-volumes without a significant title (39).
132 records include partial or complete digital images of the score they refer to.
The catalogued items are held by the following institutions:
Turin | Sigla RISM |
Archivio dell’Accademia di Canto Corale “Stefano Tempia” | I-Tst |
Archivio Arcivescovile | I-Tcm |
Archivio del Museo Nazionale del Cinema | I-Tmnc |
Bibliomediateca “Mario Gromo” del Museo Nazionale del Cinema | I-Tg |
Biblioteca del Circolo degli Artisti | I-Tca |
Biblioteca Civica Musicale “Andrea Della Corte” | I-Tci |
Biblioteca del Collegio San Giuseppe | I-Tcsg |
Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica “Giuseppe Verdi” | I-Tco |
Biblioteca del Convitto Ecclesiastico della Consolata | I-Tsc |
Biblioteca Culture e Missione (Missionari della Consolata) | I-Timc |
Biblioteca “Eugenio Reffo” della Congregazione di San Giuseppe [Collegio Artigianelli] | I-Ter |
Biblioteca “Marta Gobetti” dell’Archivio Nazionale Cinematografico della Resistenza | I-Tancr |
Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria | I-Tn |
Biblioteca Reale | I-Tr |
Turin (province) | |
Castellamonte, Associazione Filarmonica Castellamonte – Scuola di Musica “Francesco Romana” | I-CLMaf |
Ivrea, Archivio Storico Olivetti | I-Ivo |
Moncalieri, Biblioteca dei Padri Barnabiti (ex Real Collegio Carlo Alberto) | I-MCLb |
Pinerolo, Biblioteca Civica “Camillo Alliaudi” | I-PIN |
Verolengo, Collezione privata Bruno Raiteri | I-VLNraiteri |
Alessandria and its province | |
Alessandria, Biblioteca del Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Antonio Vivaldi” | I-ALEi |
Casale Monferrato, Istituto Musicale “Carlo Soliva” | I-CMis |
Asti and its province | |
Nizza Monferrato, Biblioteca Civica | I-NMc |
Cuneo and its province | |
Bra, Civico Istituto Musicale “Adolfo Gandino” | I-BRXig |
Savigliano, Civico Istituto Musicale “Giovanni Battista Fergusio” | I-SAVi |
Novara and its province | |
Novara, Biblioteca del Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Guido Cantelli” | I-NOVcon |
Novara, Civico Istituto Musicale “Brera” | I-NOVi |
Novara, Biblioteca Comunale “Negroni” | I-NOVc |
Vercelli and its province |
Varallo, Biblioteca Civica “Farinone-Centa” | I-VSc |
Vercelli, Biblioteca Civica | I-VCc |
Vercelli, Biblioteca della Scuola Comunale di Musica “Francesco Antonio Vallotti” | I-VCsm |
Vercelli, Società del Quartetto | I-VClv |
For different reasons (inaccessible premises, unavailable items, organising peculiarities of the institutions under scrutiny etc.), the catalogue does not include the manuscripts and the editions listed in the file hereby attached.
The same happens with the items which, though taken into account in the final census, were retrived after the cataloguing was finished, like the ones acquired in the last months:
- from the Bibliomediateca “Mario Gromo” del Museo Nazionale del Cinema
- from the Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica “Guido Cantelli” di Novara
- from the Biblioteca privata Bruno Raiteri di Verolengo (TO)