Declaration of accessibility
This website has been developed according the principles of accessibility and in compliance with Law 9 January 2004, no. 4 (commonly known as “Legge Stanca”, G.U. no. 13 of 17 January 2004).
Moreover, we have followed the recommendations for accessibility provided by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) insofar as the campaign for Web accessibility (WAI), according the principle of universality. The reference document to make the website accessible, was the W3C recommendation published on 5 May 1999, on the guidelines for Web content (WCAG 1.0 ).
Compliance to standards
The pages of this website were designed in compliance with the following W3C standards and specifics:
- XHTML 1.0 DTD Strict language
- CSS (definition of website style features)
Besides normal visualisation with dark characters on a light background, a “high contrast” stylesheet has been prepared, which can be activated from a link on the top right corner of the page.
Navigation help
On all the website pages, there is always in the same position (on the top) the horizontal navigation menu indicating the user’s position in the website structure and the title of the page one is on. Information is hyper textual, and with a simple click on the text in the navigation menu one can reach the previous levels.
To make page navigation easier we have added accesskeys which are managed in a native way by the CMS index manager, allowing to rapidly skip to the navigation menus:
- [alt + P] Main content of the page (skip navigation bar)
- [alt + M] Navigation
- [alt + A] Enlarge FONT
- [alt + D] Diminish FONT
- [alt + X] Contrast
- [alt + Z] Reset default values
We have not used markers in the page to define text or background features but we have resorted to CSS Stylesheets for graphic effects. Moreover, the pages have been organised so that they can be read even when the stylesheets are disabled or not supported.
On this website we have not used any frames and we have avoided flashing objects or writing which may cause trouble in concentration or to assistive technologies.
We have tested a sufficient colour contrast between the texts and the background and we have verified the same functioning when there is not the colour used.
In the case of data tables we have used markers to identify the headings of lines and columns with TH tags instead of TD tags for heading cells. In the unlikely event of layout tables we have checked that the table content can be understood even if read in a linearised way.
All the links are made through textual elements which can be recognised because underlined. They have also been provided with a description of the link destination through the TITLE feature.
The opening of a new window, when used, is pointed out by the link TITLE.
For each non-textual object a textual alternative has been provided (ALT feature) commensurate to the function of the original object in the specific context.
Online forms have been built explicitly associating labels with their controls, placing them so as to make filling in the fields easier for those who use assistive technologies.
Testing different browsers (programmes used to explore web resources)
This website pages have been tested on the following browsers:
- Firefox 24
- Internet Explorer 7,8,9,10
- Chrome
- Safari 5
All the texts can be enlarged or diminished in size using the special feature of the browser or the links (A+, A-) located on the top right.
In this website there are no features tied to a predetermined time interval by which to perform certain actions.
Accessibility is an open process
Accessibility is a process which carries on in time. Making a website accessible means working towards its development and improvement, removing the obstacles one finds along the way. For this reason the website of Cabiria Project will continuously evolve in order to constantly improve its accessibility.
The tools used to check the formal correctness of the site code do not automatically guarantee usability and accessibility, therefore a human check is always necessary.
Despite the attention given to making the website and the many tests carried out, we cannot rule out for sure that some pages are, without us knowing, still inaccessible to some types of users. In this case, we apologise in advance and we kindly ask you to report any irregularity you experienced so that we can remove it as soon as possible.
Please write to us to report accessibility errors.